Owen Brown

Owen Brown

Owen brings adaptability and enthusiasm to URPS’ specialist Residential Team.

Understanding the value of applied learning, Owen worked in a variety of urban planning roles while studying in Scotland.

These included an internship with JLL Edinburgh and Hallam Land Management where he learnt about the transformation of both brownfield and greenfield sites for housing in master-planned communities.

Owen has an appetite for taking well-measured risks.  This has brought him to Australia.  It also informs his work as a planner at URPS which is underpinned by hard work, clear explanation of planning trade-offs and project follow-through.  Like the best graduate consultants, he is always ready to lend a hand and eager to get things done.

Owen also gets enormous satisfaction knowing that the development he facilitates ultimately supports great communities.

Development Facilitation and Assessment

Advice and Negotiation

Management of Regulated and Significant Tree related issues

Project Management

Private Certification assessments

Bachelor of Urban Planning and Property Development (Honours), Heriot-Watt University

Planning Institute of Australia (Member)


