Laura Murray

Laura Murray

Laura is an influential industry leader who is a nationally recognised urban growth and renewal specialist.

Her expertise spans all areas of planning.  From Strategic Land Use Planning Frameworks, Masterplans and Development Plans, to facilitating development via Planning Scheme Amendments and Planning Permit Approvals.  It is her diversity of skills and experience that add real value to projects.

Laura is passionate about improving planning policy and delivering city shaping developments.  Her goal is always to ensure that the planning system strikes the right balance between robustness and efficiency.

Her vast experience, combined with great attention to detail, means that she is sought after by private sector and key government clients to manage and deliver priority projects.  This extends to appearing before Planning Panels and VCAT as necessary.

Currently a Director on the National Board of the Planning Institute of Australia, Laura is also a past President of the Victoria Division of PIA.  This means that her networks are extensive.

She is at her best when presenting on important development topics that challenge the status quo and inspire real progress.

Strategic planning advice, due diligence assessments, master planning and site redevelopment options 

Land use planning frameworks 

Development facilitation of strategic redevelopment sites / urban renewal precincts

Planning approvals lodgement, liaison, negotiation and advocacy 

Rezonings, strategic reviews and Planning Scheme Amendments 

Expert witness and advocacy at VCAT and Planning Panels

Bachelor of Environmental Planning (Honours), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)

Planning Institute of Australia (Registered Planner)

VPELA (Member)


