Kubra Koch

Kubra Koch

Kubra is a specialist strategic planner experienced in metropolitan land-use strategy projects along growth corridors and in activity centres.

In her previous role at the City of Whittlesea in the outer northern suburbs of Melbourne, Kubra oversaw the council’s significant in-depth planning scheme review to assess and audit zoning anomalies and their implications.

Kubra has expertise in waterway management having engaged in a GC amendment for the prospective Waterways of the North, as well as implementing floodway controls across four floodplains within a high-risk municipality.

She has also successfully contributed to the legislative and policy assessment of activity centre structure plans, the large-scale rezoning of potentially contaminated conservation reserves and heritage amendments.

Kubra relishes a challenge – the more complex and complicated a project, the better.  This has earned her a reputation for fierce advocacy on behalf of our clients.

Growth corridor planning and land use strategy

Rezoning, strategic assessment & Planning Scheme amendments

Policy advice

Drafting of planning ordinance and policy

Bachelor of International Relations, La Trobe University

Masters of Urban Planning and Environment, RMIT University

Planning Institute of Australia (Member)


