
Delivering New Planning Policy and Planning Reform Together

town planning map

Back in early February, we posted an article explaining why the continuation and finalisation of Development Plan Amendments (DPAs) was important in the lead up to the implementation of the Planning and Design Code in South Australia.

Following on from this, we are pleased to see a number of DPAs URPS has been drafting reach key milestones:

  • The City of Playford Value Adding (Virginia) DPA was approved by the Minister for Planning on 30 April.
  • The Kanmantoo Copper Mine DPA was approved by the District Council of Mount Barker on 4 May and will be forwarded to the Minister for final approval.
  • The City of Port Adelaide Enfield’s Days Road, Regency Park DPA was approved by Council in late April and has been released for consultation.
  • The Growth Areas DPA was approved by the City of Mitcham in March and has been forwarded to the Minister for final approval.

Most of these DPAs were landowner funded and will translate to shovel ready development that deliver employment generators and housing development that is needed as the economy recovers.

We have also been assisting DPTI analyse submissions on the Draft Planning and Design Code as part of its extensive community engagement process.

We commend the State Government and Councils for delivering on the commitments to continue with DPAs while the Planning and Design Code is being finalised.

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